Gain deeper understanding of yourself, your habits, & your relationship with your body & mind, promoting self-reflection, discovery, and compassion.

Behind her compassionate nature lies a woman who has known the depths of darkness in her own life. She has endured her own share of personal trauma which has shattered her sense of safety and trust, leaving behind both physical and emotional scars. Through her strength, courage, and an unwavering resilience, Sophia has reclaimed her power and transformed her pain into a catalyst for boundless empathy and advocacy for trauma survivors. With these experiences, she has come to understand the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment, inspiring her to live each day with gratitude, and love.

Throughout her journey, Sophia has discovered that the healing of one's own wounds is intrinsically linked to the ability to uplift others. With her experiences, and education, she has dedicated herself to serving as a beacon of hope, utilizing her expertise to bridge the gap between communities and resources. Sophia firmly believes in the power of human connection and that by supporting and uplifting one another, we can create a world where healing and wholeness are within everyone's reach.

Sophia is not just a holistic wellness practitioner, but a testimony of resilience, compassion, and love. As a mother, daughter, friend, and lover, she embraces the multifaceted nature of her being, striving every day to bring light into the lives of those she encounters. Through her strength, wisdom, and dedication to healing and overall wellness, she is a true embodiment of triumph over adversity.

My Philosophy Of Care

Holistic care embraces belief that every individual is a complex, interconnected being, and true healing requires addressing not just the physical body, but also the mind, emotions, and spirit.

My Inspiration

Through prayer, meditation, and reflection, I have felt the guiding presence and wisdom of the Most High, inspiring me to step into a role of service and compassion. Moreover, I recognize that I am a product of the collective wisdom, love, and resilience of my ancestors who have come before me. Their struggles, sacrifices, and triumphs have paved the way for me, and it is my duty to honour their legacy by actively working towards healing and unity.